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In Woman of Purpose: Destined for Greatness, evangelist Angela Weir poignantly and honestly discusses how her faith in God has helped her get through her most difficult trials, and she provides loving encouragement along the way. She uses her knowledge of the Bible to help make sound arguments that will help everyone lead a more fulfilling, God-centered life. She writes about her darkest and hardest times with an openness that is not very common. She is not afraid of what has happened in her past because it is now part of her amazing testimony. ; Greetings, my sisters in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! My name is Angela R.H.Weir. I am a self-published author. I began writing this book in 2003 after the death of my oldest sister. Writing this book was a healing process for me. It was therapy for me. It was so hard for me to accept her death, and I couldn’t talk about it. Then, one day, the Holy Spirit spoke to me and told me to get a pen and notebook and write, so I did.

Woman Of Purpose Destined For Greatness

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